
Faire un don

Rappel des status de l'association FORMINDEP

Article 8 - Ressources

Le conseil d’administration, en cas de doute, s’assure que l’origine des dons, avantages ou subventions proposés à l’association ne contreviennent pas aux objectifs de l’association précisés dans l’article 2 des présents statuts.

Les ressources de l’association comprennent :

Le Formindep étant une association reconnue d’intérêt général, faire un don génère l'envoi par courriel d'un reçu fiscal permettant une réduction d'impôt.

l'association Formindep

S'abonner à notre lettre d'information

En réponse à :

The Formindep Charter


The signatories of the Formindep Charter consider that health professionals have from society a mission to act in the sole interest of human beings, taken as individuals and as a community. Pursuing this aim they must seek to act with total independence, protecting themselves from influences which could damage this mission, in particular special interests of an industrial, commercial or financial nature.

Under social control and with the help of the relevant authorities, health professionals have the duty to act to identify and expose such interests and refuse their influence in all fields of their activity : research, training, healthcare, prevention and information.

The Formindep Charter
English version
PDF small poster to be downloaded (64 ko)
The Formindep Charter
English version - rtf small poster to be downloaded and signed

As signatory of the Charter, I call for an end to such influences in the health care area. I support citizens acting to this end, such as those who have joined Formindep to act in the sectors of health education and information.


You can sign the Formindep Charter by sending an email to the president of Formindep which is entitled "I sign the Formindep Charter" and contain your :

 valid email address
 postal address, city, country
 any comment explaining why you wish to sign this charter

IMPORTANT : The above datas will only serve to valid your signature.

See the french translation : La Charte du Formindep and the esperanto translation : La Cxarto de la Formindep

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Le forum bénéficie d'une modération a priori. Les commentaires anonymes ou identifiés par un pseudo, ou ne respectant pas les règles légales ou de bienséance ne seront pas publiés.

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